Published: 27-04-2021

Welcome to the first issue of the Australian Journal of Labour Economics for 2021. As always, this issue contains articles of interest to academics, practitioners and anyone interested in how labour markets work in Australia and our region. We think readers will find the papers particularly interesting, challenging some of the common policy narratives.

Message from Managing Editor

From the Managing Editor

Phil Lewis
Abstract 84 | PDF Downloads 25

Page i-ii


The impact of implicit bias on Indigenous business ownership rates in Australia

Siddharth Shirodkar, Boyd Hunter
Abstract 253 | PDF Downloads 196

Page 1-24

A longitudinal analysis of economic inactivity among Indigenous youth

Yonatan Dinku
Abstract 172 | PDF Downloads 83

Page 25-45

Analysis of gender segregation within detailed occupations and industries in Australia

Gerard Lind, Rebecca Colquhoun
Abstract 294 | PDF Downloads 215

Page 47-70

Changing demand for STEM skills in Australia and gender implications

Alfred Michael Dockery, John Phillimore, Sherry Bawa
Abstract 218 | PDF Downloads 147

Page 71-110